New Construction

New Service Checklist

PLEASE NOTE:   All forms, agreements, and deposits must be submitted before the design of your Project will begin.

STEP 1:      Customer obtains a Project Description Form by mail, email, or by picking it up at the ED3 office. 

STEP 2:      Customer must submit a completed Project Description Form and pay a Design Deposit

The Project Description form must include the total electrical voltage, load, and / or type to be drawn from the Electrical Distribution System.

STEP 3:      Customer should provide current AutoCAD files (if applicable) of said location(s) that identify Utility Easements, road Rights-of-Way, and any other existing / proposed utilities.  ED3’s Designer will review your information and set up a meeting.

STEP 4:      Customer will be provided with a design sketch and construction cost estimate.  ED3 will also provide Design and Construction Agreement and Trenching and Conduit Agreement (as required) to be completed by Customer.  Determination of continuation of Project will be verified and Customer will submit a Construction Deposit (estimated) and completed agreements if continuation of Project is agreed upon. 

STEP 5:      Customer proceeds with installation of conduit and Service Entrance Section (SES) and contacts ED3 to request Trenching and Conduit Inspection.

STEP 6:      If applicable, all required Easements must be received and recorded by ED3 before construction can begin.  Customer will provide survey exhibits, legal description, and initiate documentation for Grantor’s signature based on ED3’s Design.

STEP 7:      ED3 will commence Project construction.

STEP 8:      Customer must submit a New Service Application, Service Agreement, and a Security Deposit (if applicable) to the Customer Service Department.

STEP 9:      City or County Clearance must be received by Customer Service Department.  Once Clearances are confirmed, the meter will be set.

STEP 10:    Once construction is complete, the Customer or Agreement Signee will receive a reconciled invoice for additional payment or refund.

New Construction Documents